Using Basic Science Research
You understand the importance of doing experiments when you need to figure out something for your making or manufacturing process. But did you know that sometimes (even often), you can save a LOT of time and money by taking advantage of research that’s already been done? And you can... Read More...
Pareto Distribution: A Tool For Root Cause Analysis
Why use a Pareto Distribution? You’ve figured out how to prevent defective inventory from getting out to customers. So you just test them, scrap the bad ones, and you’re done! No need to even think about it again, right? …right? That’s what Gary thought at first. If you’re a... Read More...
Is-Is Not
You’re committed to improving your manufacturing process. Because you take pride in your business and you want to deliver a high-quality product while making solid profits. And if you’re a regular PCat reader, you know that the best way to do that involves root-cause analysis for any manufacturing defects... Read More...
Fishbone Diagram
Yes, it’s true. Ishikawa’s Fishbone Diagram is a crucial tool for any making or manufacturing business! As a small business owner, you know that quality assurance is vital for making a good impression on your customers. And if you’re a regular PCat reader, you also know that improving your... Read More...
Process Cat Q&A!
Ever wondered what other Maker/Manufacturer Entrepreneurs are working on? What they’re struggling with? What questions they have? Well lucky for you, Process Cat decided to invite his friends over to drink coffee and read letters from people around the world! Princess Capybara reads the first letter Hi Process Cat!... Read More...
Let’s Learn About Proof of Concept Experiments
Your product is amazing and you want to make it even better! (Or it currently doesn’t even work but you know it can be great so you’re trying desperately to improve it…) Either way, you know that experiments can help you determine which things in your manufacturing process actually... Read More...
Let’s Talk About Multifactor Experiments
You know that experiments are important for making good decisions in your Maker business. You know that experiments need to test one factor at a time in order to give you useful information. You know that you need to use a large enough sample size and only think... Read More...
Probability: an easy explanation for busy business owners.
You’re designing an experiment for your business. And you know that step 1 is to separate out the variables you want to test. You know that if you try to change more than one thing at a time, you won’t actually find out which one(s) affected your product and... Read More...
Experimental Design for Makers
You want to do an experiment to inform your decisions in your Maker or small-scale manufacturing business. (If you don’t? Read the last article to learn why experiments can help you optimize your manufacturing process.) Rhonda was convinced. If you’re a regular PCat reader, you know that Rhonda is... Read More...
How (and why) to do an experiment
You don’t care about experiments. You’re a maker (or inventor, creator, entrepreneur, or however you describe yourself.) If you wanted to be a lab scientist, you’d be one. You just want to make high-quality products and sell them to your delighted customers while making a good profit. Yes that’s... Read More...
Meet the characters with the skills & Zattatudes who can help engineer your manufacturing success

Princess Capybara
Age: 35
Background: Biotech
Current Gig: Mold-Making
Zattatude: Seeks to geek out with the top tech she knows best

Age: 44
Background: Accounting
Current Gig: Baking
Zattatude: Lives to figure out how everything in life adds up

Process Cat
Age: Timeless
Background: Manufacturing
Current Gig: Helping People
Zattatude: Loves to teach others how to scale up their businesses

Age: 53
Background: Nursing
Current Gig: Woodworking
Zattatude: Celebrates ditching her bureaucratic hospital job for her hands-on craft business